
Do You Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach?


Coffee is a healthy beverage that helps us wake up in the morning and boosts our energy levels. Many studies have shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of several serious diseases thanks to its rich nutritional profile.

Here are some of the nutrients found in an average 8 oz. cup of coffee:

Folate: 1% of the recommended daily allowance

Vitamin B1: 2% of the recommended daily allowance

Vitamin B3: 2% of the recommended daily allowance

Vitamin B5: 6% of the recommended daily allowance

Potassium: 3% of the recommended daily allowance

Magnesium: 2% of the recommended daily allowance

Manganese: 3% of the recommended daily allowance

Phosphorus: 1% of the recommended daily allowance

Of course, these amounts are not big, but considering the amount of coffee we drink (3-4 cups a day) the numbers easily add up. And, it’s not all about these nutrients – the average person gets more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables combined! As you can see, coffee is highly beneficial, but it can also be dangerous if consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Consuming a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach makes the digestive tract release hydrochloric acid, which can cause a lot of problems and is dangerous if you’re suffering from gastritis. This acid impairs your digestion and results in difficult protein digestion, which can cause bloating, indigestion, bloating and inflammation in the bowel.

This is why experts recommend always having your cup of coffee after your breakfast. Failing to do so will cause a spike in your cortisol levels, and the body will have a hard time returning to its normal state. Furthermore, as we mentioned before, it will lead to the release of hydrochloric acid which can be dangerous for your digestion.

For your sake, it’s best to eat something before drinking your cuppa Joe – it can be anything like a small piece of bread. If you, however, don’t like to eat before your coffee, at least add some butter or milk in order to reduce the harsh effects of the beverage.