Recipes Salads

Russian Salad Recipe

russian salad racipe


  • Mama’s Mayonnaise (Packet) 1 liter
  • Potato (cube cutting) 100g
  • Carrots (cube cutting) 100g
  • Peas 100g
  • Apple (cube cutting) 100g
  • Grapes 50g
  • Pomegranate 20g
  • Cream 3 tbsp
  • Strawberry 50g
  • Cold Water as needed
  • Water as needed


  1. In a cooking pot, add water, potato, peas, carrots and boil it.
  2. After that, dip the boiled potato, peas, carrots in the cold water.
  3. In a bowl, add and mix potato, peas, carrots, apple, grapes, strawberry, pomegranate, icing sugar, cream, and Mama’s Mayonnaise 4 tbsp.
  4. Your tasty Russian Salad is ready to serve.